Ron’s Latest Observations
My mom likes to tell a story about my first day at school. Always a Momma’s boy (to this day), I was less than thrilled to enter the hallowed halls of Beth Yeshurun Day School. As I sobbed uncontrollably and tears poured down my face, Principal Peggy Samet greeted us […]
“How Sweet It Is!!!” That was the famous catchphrase of legendary announcer Gene Peterson that Houston basketball fans heard through the years during Rockets broadcasts, including the championship seasons of 1994 and 1995. I grew up at the Summit (later Compaq Center) as my family owned Rockets season tickets before […]
My fellow (just under 40% of) Americans, Well, it’s sure been a wild and fun ride for the past 100-plus days (unless, of course, your name is Comey or Schumer or Pelosi or Pocahontas Warren or Maddow or Huffington or Anderson Cooper or Glenn Thrush or all the other freedom […]
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on The Huffington Post
Daddy Dearest
The greatest job on earth
Love & Marriage
Finally settling down with that special someone
Age Before Beauty
The inevitable (and often annoying) aging process
Wild Bachelor Days
The pre-marriage (crazy) dating scene
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Friends and family members who left us too soon
The Old Ballyard
Sports, fanatics and other obsessions
Vacations, experiencing the world, coming home again
Random Thoughts
Biz, investing, politics, pop culture, and other realities of life